I possess a variety of technical skills related to many information technology domains beside software testing.
I was introduced to computers at a very early age, BASIC programming self-taught at age 9, LOGO at age 10, Assembler for 6502 processor at age 13, Turbo Pascal at age 13-14, HTML/web/Internet/fixing hardware and installing parts at 16, Perl/PHP/Visual Basic/Databases at 20, Python around 30, Selenium/Webdriver at 34. At 24, I was running a Windows Server with RAID5 cluster of disks and an elaborate home wired network spanning 3 rooms. At 32, I was running a VMWare ESX Server lab with several virtual machines to experiment with Oracle database clusters. In the past few years I have been fascinated with machine learning and still trying to find productive/commercial application. I run own web and mail server on Raspberry Pi at home (the current site that you are now reading is hosted on it).
Throughout my employment, I have participated in or headed projects testing a variety of applications and platforms. All items listed above are ones I have actually actively used and not just heard about. The list above is not exhaustive and used to illustrate my diverse technical knowledge. I am sure there are many other applications and concepts that I can mention. Even if I am not familiar with something, I am willing to learn and will be happy to upskill on my own time.